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General Information

Name (English) St. Joseph's College
Name (Chinese) 聖若瑟書院
Address 7 Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong
Telephone Number 3652 4888
Fax Number 2877 0232
School Official Website https://www.sjc.edu.hk/
E-mail info@sjc.edu.hk
Established in 1875
Supervisor Reverend Brother Jeffrey Chan, FSC
Principal Mr. Kwok Tik Man

St. Joseph's College has undergone many changes since its establishment in 1875. Our College is now one of the most prestigious schools in Hong Kong, in both academic and extra-curricular areas.

Academically, Josephians have consistently scored outstanding results in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) as well as Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE). We have a high university entrance rate and a number of our students have also gone on to top universities around the world.

Over the years, St. Joseph's College has built up a strong reputation in extra-curricular circles. Our students actively participate in inter-school sports competitions and have achieved encouraging results. A number of them have also served in inter-school organizations and some have even represented Hong Kong in Continental and International Olympiad in Mathematics and Informatics.